Avoid burnout when working from home

Burnouts are not limited to office settings and can happen even if you’re working remotely. Dare we say you’re more likely to suffer burnout when you’re working from home because you’re stuck in a monotonous routine with no small talk beside the coffee machine? That’s not to say that working remotely is a bad thing. I mean, we get to spend more time with our family and do more of the things we actually enjoy.

If it ever gets overwhelming, you need to remember the following things we’ve listed. This is not a definitive guide that will make you burnout-proof, but it will offer you some insights into how you can quickly get over burnout and possibly reduce the frequency. So let’s jump right in and get started.

1.    Have a good internet connection

This might seem counter-productive as you’re already fed up with work and can’t be productive. But listen, there’s some truth to this. Humans only have a finite amount of energy each day and where we choose to spend that energy matters a lot. Since remote work is largely dependent on your internet connection for your collaboration and communication needs, make sure your internet connection is fast and stable.

All the slow loading times, delayed responses, and out-of-internet messages will keep adding to your frustration, thus causing an onset of early burnout. Consider switching to Quantum Fiber, which offers speeds of up to 940 Mbps at affordable prices. This way you can do the most during that short window of productivity.

2.    Go for a walk

You might’ve heard that some of the greatest writers used to regularly go for walks and that is where they’d come across different things that would inspire them. Well, as it turns out, everyone can benefit from taking a leisurely stroll during the day. It helps take your mind off of things and recalibrate. Ideally, you should go for a walk in a peaceful environment like a park. However, if you can’t because of the nature of your work or where you live, you can make do with what you have.

3.    Take multiple short breaks

The best way to work remotely is to chalk up a schedule and stick to it. Not only will this allow you to stay organized, but also positively affect your mental health. One thing to keep in mind is that you should incorporate multiple short breaks during the day to stay fresh. Most of us have short attention spans and if we push ourselves to stay productive for long hours, we might end up being less productive.

4.    Take a day off sometimes

Different companies have different work cultures worldwide and it depends on the industry you’re in as well. Not to stereotype any region, but you can always use some off days, wherever you are. It’s completely fine and actually encouraged to take personal days to protect your mental well-being. Keep in mind that this cannot be a regular occurrence, and you should use it sparingly.

5.    Treat yourself to something nice

Another great way to avoid burnout is setting up a rewards system for yourself. For example, you can set milestones and accompanying rewards for when you achieve them. This doesn’t have to be super big and loud, and something as simple as Chinese takeout also works. I won’t eat dinner until I review all my pending tasks. This is just an example, and you can come up with a customized rewards system depending on your needs.

6.    Find a remote work buddy

This might sound lame to some but don’t doubt its efficacy. When working remotely, we tend to lose sight of what’s important and we might spiral into anxiety and depression if we don’t have a proper support system. Having remote work can help you vent out the challenges that you’ve been facing or just hang out with and have a good time when you’re not working.

7.    Get a therapeutic hobby

Wouldn’t it be nice to turn your breaks into relaxation? Well, you can do that by picking up a healthy hobby that allows you to express your creativity and act as a mode of catharsis for you. To do this, you’ll need to identify your areas of interest so you don’t feel like you’re working when you’re doing that.


Additionally, you can try saving up some money and going on vacations alone or with the people you care about. Sometimes a change of scenery is exactly what we need. Also, don’t abandon your friends circle and keep socializing as remote work can be isolating. Another thing to keep in mind is that delayed gratification is often better than instant gratification.

Finally, when you’ve worked hard all week and it’s the weekend, turn off your computer screens and zone out of work completely. Go out and have some fun with your friends and family.

