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ESP8266 Tutorial

NodeMCU ESP8266 tutorialsHere’s a list of ESP8266 Tutorials you can try if you want to learn how to use this WiFi microcontroller. The ESP8266 and its compatibility with Arduino IDE paves the way for many WiFi-based projects. You can easily create web servers, IoT projects and many more!

Creating a Simple NodeMCU Web Server


We’re done with basics of the NodeMCU in my last post. Now it’s time to use the NodeMCU like how it’s meant to be: an IoT device. Here I will show you how to create a simple NodeMCU web server which will control a LED attached to one of the NodeMCU’s …

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Intro to NodeMCU and Arduino IDE

node mcu v1.0

The NodeMCU is a development board featuring the popular ESP8266 WiFi chip. As it turns out, you can program the ESP8266 just like any other microcontroller. Its obvious advantage over the Arduino or PIC is that it can readily connect to the Internet via WiFi. However, the ESP8266 breakout board …

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