Using a Button
As you’ve noticed, the functions in bonescript are similar to Arduino’s. If we are to use an input device such as a button, switch, etc, we only need to change the direction using pinMode:
var b = require('bonescript'); b.pinMode("P9_12", b.INPUT);
The script below reads the state of a button attached to P9_11. If that button is pressed, the LED at P9_12 will turn on. Otherwise, the LED remains off.
var b = require('bonescript'); b.pinMode("P9_12", b.OUTPUT); b.pinMode("P9_11", b.INPUT); setInterval(readButton, 500); function readButton() { b.digitalRead("P9_11", toggle); } function toggle(x){ console.log(x.value); b.digitalWrite("P9_12", x.value); }