Home / Tutorials / ESP8266 Tutorial / Display Sensor Data to NodeMCU Web Server
NodeMCU Webserver

Display Sensor Data to NodeMCU Web Server

We set up a simple NodeMCU web server in our previous tutorial. There we controlled an LED from a web page hosted by the NodeMCU ESP8266 board! This time, we’ll be displaying data from a sensor connected to the NodeMCU’s analog pin.

Video Tutorial

In this tutorial, I’ll be displaying data coming from a light dependent resistor (LDR) to our NodeMCU web server. You can use any sensor available to you as long as its output voltage is not more than the recommended maximum of 3.3 V.

The ESP8266 itself accepts only up to 1 V on its analog pin. Thankfully, the NodeMCU board has a built-in voltage divider.

The ESP8266 (which is the main chip on the NodeMCU) uses a 10-bit ADC. This means the input voltage from 0 to 3.3 V will be equivalent to 0 to 1024.

Materials Needed

Wiring Diagram

Here’s our simple circuit for this tutorial:

nodemcu sensor

I used a trimmer together with the LDR for voltage division so that I can adjust the “sensitivity” of my sensor.


#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>

// Replace with your network credentials
const char* ssid = "<Your WiFI SSID>";
const char* password = "<Your WiFI Password>";

ESP8266WebServer server(80);   //instantiate server at port 80 (http port)

String page = "";
double data; 
void setup(void){

  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //begin WiFi connection
  // Wait for connection
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.print("Connected to ");
  Serial.print("IP address: ");
  server.on("/", [](){
    page = "<h1>Sensor to Node MCU Web Server</h1><h3>Data:</h3> <h4>"+String(data)+"</h4>";
    server.send(200, "text/html", page);
  Serial.println("Web server started!");
void loop(void){
  data = analogRead(A0);

Basically, I used analogRead() to capture the voltage from the divider circuit setup by the trimmer and the LDR. The data is then embedded to the web server page.

Upload the code and open your browser to the address shown on the serial monitor (see previous tutorial for more on this).


Here’s what the web page should look like:

nodemcu server page

Try to cover the LDR and refresh the page. It should show a different value.

The disadvantage with this sketch is that you need to refresh the page to update the sensor values. With ajax, you can avoid refreshing the page manually.

That’s it! Next up, we’ll log our sensor data to a spreadsheet program like Google Sheets.

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  1. Can I show this to my won website ??

  2. my web page not loaded

  3. please give your libraries. my esp8266wifi library is not compleate

  4. c satish kumar

    hlo can u tell me how can i automatically refresh the webpge,without doing it mannually. to read the sensor data continously

  5. Thank you for the article.

    As continuation of this proyect would be really interesting show how to display in a website accesible everywhere

  6. Hi. Looking for a way to attach a DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor and 3 magnetic door switches. So i can see the temp/hum and if a door/window is open. could you please tell me how can i achieve that, please? Also how can i send the info to my server(in my LAN).

  7. how can i send data from my webpage to nodemcu

  8. Hello i have one error when i run the script i get ‘class WiFiServer’ has no member named ‘on’ i think its the version of the library or something else, can you plz help me ?
    I run the 1.8.7 version of arduino.

  9. How can i get live data from multiple analog sensors in nodemcu ??

  10. Hi Roland, please help.

    I wanna get data from my ADXL345 followed this great guide.
    But when I connect ADXL345’s SDA to A0, there is only one number return.

    How can I fix it?

  11. raymark encinares

    how can i add another line of data for another sensor in this sketch?

    • You can concatenate another string to the data variable, just make sure you convert it to double first.

  12. Saiteja Palagani

    how to see the output on web page

  13. can i use NodeMCU V3 in this project?

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