One of the most important things your microcontroller can do is read analog voltages. It is important particularly in interfacing with sensors where most throw varying voltage levels that represent varying physical quantities (temperature, pressure, etc.). Microcontrollers, including the Beaglebone Black, have analog to digital converters to do this. Here …
Read More »Serial Communication with Microcontrollers
When working on projects, there’ll be lots of times when your microcontroller needs serial communication to talk to other devices or other micros. The most common example of this is adding IoT capabilities to your Arduino board or PIC using ESP8266 or GSM module. A number of sensors and LCD …
Read More »Beaglebone Black PWM on Ubuntu 16.04 Using Device Tree Overlay
Now we’ll use the Beaglebone Black PWM to control a servo motor. PWM, which is short for pulse width modulation, is widely used for controlling motors (dc and servomotors). PWM is also used in controlling power delivered to a load or device without using “power-eating” rheostat.
Read More »Beaglebone Black: Controlling On-board LEDs
In this post, I flashed a LED connected to one of the Beaglebone Black’s GPIO pins. Here I will flash the user or on-board LEDs on the device using the same method we did on the external LED.
Read More »Beaglebone Black Blink LED using C++
The first thing I did when I had my Beaglebone Black (BBB) was toy with it using C++. The “hello world” of embedded programming is LED blinking so that’s what I did. Note that the BBB has user-accessible on-board LEDs and controlling them is very similar to the method outlined here. …
Read More »Using PIC Timer with PIC16F84A
In this tutorial, I will discuss how to use the PIC16F84A microcontroller timer module for a variety of applications including turning a LED on and off without the use of a software delay subroutine.
Read More »Programming the STM32F1 Discovery
So I got this STM32F1 discovery board about a year ago but I haven’t had the time to play with it. There are a number of reasons why I purchased it: 1) I wanted to start studying ARM devices on my way to getting a certification 2) A device that has …
Read More »PIC Interrupt with PIC16F84A
So far we have discussed how to code microcontrollers sequentially, i.e., the device performs the code from top to bottom and may branch out to labels (via goto) or subroutines (via call). Now we’ll be looking at PIC interrupt.
Read More »The PIC16F84A – A Beginners Microcontroller
We’ll start with the PIC16F84A – a.k.a the beginner’s microcontroller. This MCU from Microchip has been around since 1998 and is the successor to the very first serially programmable PIC, the PIC16C84. The PIC16F84A is often the starting point for learning PIC microcontrollers because it only has 35 assembly language …
Read More »An Introduction to PIC Assembly Language Programming
Most people have nightmares about PIC assembly language programming while some would say it’s a waste of time. I’ve experienced both so I agree. PICs can be programmed much easier using high-level languages like C and Basic. However, learning to code in assembly helps you learn more about the microcontroller’s …
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