How can an Arduino capture sound? Just like how your computer captures sound: through a microphone. In this Arduino microphone tutorial, we’ll look at how a sound sensor works. Also, we’ll build a simple clap switch project as an example of how to use a microphone with Arduino.
Read More »Featured: DFRobot Bluno M3
Last time I featured DFRobot’s Bluno M0, an Arduino-compatible board with embedded Bluetooth chip. Now, I will write about the Bluno M3, an STM32-powered board that strikingly looks similar to the M0. Is it the same board or does it offer more?
Read More »How to Use I2C LCD with Arduino
The classic parallel LCD sometimes poses a problem for projects that use a lot of Arduino pins. The least amount of pins you can use is six, excluding the power pins and the potentiometer contrast adjust (optional) pin. Thankfully, by using an I2C LCD “backpack”, the pin use can be …
Read More »Sending Data via SIM800L GPRS to ThingSpeak
This project demonstrates how to send data to ThingSpeak using a SIM800L breakout board. The data will be coming from a BMP085 atmospheric pressure sensor and will be using the SIM800L GPRS connection to publish this data to ThingSpeak.
Read More »SIM800L Network Test Project | Troubleshooting
I made this project because it seems a lot of people are having trouble with interfacing the SIM800L with an Arduino, particularly in connecting to a network. Here, I made a simple setup where I was able to display the signal level and the network status on an LCD. This …
Read More »Arduino LiPo Battery Monitor
This Arduino LiPo battery monitor and charger feature the TP4056 breakout board. The voltage level of the battery is displayed on a Nokia 3310/5110 LCD with the Arduino Nano as the microcontroller. Materials Arduino Nano TP4056 Breakout Board Nokia 3310/5100 LCD 3.7 V LiPo Battery Connecting Wires and Breadboard Introduction The …
Read More »NodeMCU IoT Environment Monitor
Project Overview This NodeMCU IoT project is a simple demonstration on how to send sensor data to the Internet. Powered by a NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller, this project is able to show temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure to any MQTT subscriber.
Read More »Arduino Altimeter Project Using BMP085
This Arduino Altimeter project features the BMP085 atmospheric pressure sensor by Bosch. Because atmospheric pressure is directly related to altitude above sea level, we can use this sensor to determine current height with respect to the height of the oceans. The height is given in meters and is displayed on …
Read More »Arduino Motion Activated Alarm
This Arduino motion-activated alarm features a tilt sensor for detecting movements and a piezo speaker for producing the siren sound. Introduction Basically, the tilt sensor produces a high voltage when it is tilted and a low voltage when it is placed flat on a surface. The siren is produced by …
Read More »Arduino BMP085 Tutorial
The BMP085 is a relatively cheap barometric pressure sensor from Bosch. I believe this sensor is kinda old (no information about this device is found on the Bosch site) and yet it’s still used today because of its simplicity. This Arduino BMP085 tutorial covers the basics of using this device …
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